We've added a new page to help parents with Enrichment Ideas: - including summer camps, upcoming fall enrichment opportunities and online resources.
Special Ed families - check out the updates to our Special Education page And see FCPS' sample daily schedules for the virtual school day on our Distance Learning page - Find these and more - click on the heading above that says RESOURCES!
We are organizing Kindergarten Play Dates - both in-person and virtual for each week in August. Information will be shared soon in the PTA newsletter - sign up to our newsletter by clicking the "Stay Updated" button above - or on our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/fsespta
Please send us a message at [email protected]! We welcome all new families to our community and we hope to organise some virtual and (hopefully) small group in-person meet and greets. And watch this space for news of Kindergarten Playdates! We hope to organise small group playdates - both virtual and outside in August, when the heat cools off a bit! In the meantime - please check out our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/fsespta
The PTA has worked with Franklin Sherman teachers to develop pre-packaged kits appropriate for each grade. Even with distance learning these kits are useful and contain the essential learning items that will be needed when we return to school! Until July 31st, kits can be ordered online and will be delivered to your house. Find information on kits here: www.edukitinc.com/schools/11952/Franklin%20Sherman%20Elementary%20McLean,%20VA
If you have already ordered a kit we will arrange to have a pick up time at the school before school starts. If you no longer wish to have your kit, please can you let us know before July 31st by emailing us at: [email protected] Thank You! Superintendent Brabrand presented the FCPS Reopening of School Plan to the School Board at a public hearing on Monday, June 15th.
List of important documents: Virginia's Reopening of School Plan executive summary (background info) FCPS Reopening of School Plan (full document) (pp10-13 scenario details) FCPS Presentation on Reopening of School to School Board (provides background info, detailed analysis and specifics about scenarios) Plan's Three Possible Scenarios: Scenario 1: Virtual Learning for all (if COVID-19 re-surges) Scenario 2: In-school Learning with Health and Social Distancing (phased-in) Scenario 3: Online Learning for Individual Medical Need (in-school learning for all other students) GIVE YOUR FEEDBACK: FCPS has asked families to complete a survey to help them with the planning process: Click Here to Access Survey! Deadline: Friday, June 19th at 8pm.
The Principal of Timber Lane ES has asked local schools if they can help raise money for grocery gift cards for their families in need during the Covid-19 crisis. Timber Lane has almost 600 students, of which almost two-thirds are low-income and require support. You can use the donate button below and the PTA will provide the gift cards to Principal Ben Chiet. Given the immediate needs of families due to the Covid-19 crisis, we are running this fundraiser from Monday, March 23 through Wednesday, April 1, 2020. Please give if you can!
The PTA Board felt a need to raise with Superintendent Brabrand the concerns we have heard from parents about FCPS' decision to limit communication that teachers have with families during the first two weeks of this four-week school closure. Fairfax County Council PTA, our PTA council, agreed to forward our letter, in which we urged him to encourage teachers to share ideas and suggestions with parents to help them feel less isolated and more supported during this difficult situation.
To see the full contents of the letter, please click here. FCPS site for coronavirus updates: https://www.fcps.edu/news/coronavirus-update
Advice on how to speak to your children about the pandemic: https://www.fcps.edu/blog/talking-children-about-coronavirus Our new GOTR coaches for the Spring season are terrific and we wanted to let you know who they are and a little bit about them.
Coaches Hannah and Annalise are very excited to get the season going and to meet the fantastic girls we are all raising. I am Ron Hendrickson—your GOTR liaison for this Spring and parent to GOTR participant- Quinn. This will be Quinn’s third GOTR season and her mom and I couldn’t be more thrilled that she is in this program. Registration ends on February 25th and that will be here before you know it--so register today! |
August 2023